Scholastic equestrian team

Interscholastic Equestrian Team
Younger students interested in participating in equestrian competition can join our scholastic equestrian team. The Evermore Farm Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) upper and middle school team is open to riders in grades 4 – 12. The mission of IEA is to introduce student athletes in private and public middle and secondary schools (primarily ages 9 through 19) to equestrian sports.
There are a few significant benefits associated with becoming an IEA rider. Firstly, IEA membership allows riders to be involved in equestrian sports without the associated cost of owning a horse. Just as with IHSA, host schools provide horses and tack for the riders. This program also prepares riders to compete in college equestrian events.
IEA allows students to enjoy working as a member of a team. When an IEA rider draws a horse for a class at the horse show, the horse and rider form a team, and they each contribute to the partnership that works toward success. Riders also enjoy the camaraderie of fellow riders from their school and region. IEA riders create lifelong memories while developing competitive riding skills and horsemanship.
These teams compete in Zone 4, Region 8. Team members must be enrolled in a regular lesson program either at Evermore or another farm. Weekly team practices are held throughout the year at an additional cost for IEA team members.